Case Studies

A Self-Confident Outlook

Name: Marissa 
Address: Willis, Tx
Occupation: Full time mom/student
Length Of Time As My Client: current

Before finding Daryll I was overweight and out of shape and generally unhappy with myself. Being overweight and out of shape affected every part of my life. When you are not comfortable in your own body, it affects your confidence, self-esteem, relationships, and just about every part of your life.
Starting this program has helped me lose weight and get stronger. I am feeling more confident and less miserable since starting the program.  Although I am still in the midst of my transformation, I am much happier than I was four months ago. My body feels better; I feel stronger. My clothes fit better and I am more apt to looking in the mirror now.  

Daryll has really helped me come out of my shell and allowed me to take my life back. I was miserable being overweight. Although I still have a ways to go, I am much happier than I was four months ago.

Name: Keith
Address: Conroe, Tx
Occupation: Business Owner
Length Of Time As My Client: current

I am a 47 year old man and was battling a weight issue as well as low energy. I needed to push just to get myself through a normal day. Then I committed and started working with Daryll a little over 3 months ago and it has already changed my daily quality of life.

Before committing to this, I struggled with fitting the time into my schedule to work out. I would start, make excuses to do other things and then eventually quit. Not the case this time around. Daryll is a process trainer who understands that success in the area is as much mental as physical. After an initial assessment, he designed a phased program for my exact needs. This is not a boxed program or “run you through” your workout. He will make you understand WHY you are doing what you are doing. You will want to push yourself to get better and do more as you go through his plan for you. He also created system that allows you to SEE your results at the end of each phase. Nothing builds your confidence like that information and the education he will provide you along the way.

There are so many things that I could not do 90 days ago and I would have even argued with you, that I many never do those things again. I am running with kids and new dog. I have energy to take on projects I used to dread. Everything has changed for me in a big way. I now look for challenges to test my fitness level. Life looks different when you are looking forward like that. The greatest reference for Daryll’s program comes from the fact that my wife has been watching my progress and has now signed up to work with Daryll. She has seen me start and quit many times before. This time she has seen the change in both my physical condition and my attitude and she is now ready to make the commitment as well. I look forward to my time working with Daryll to see what he will challenge me with today and see what other success I will have in the coming months.

​If you commit to his program, it will pay off in a BIG way for you and I highly recommend Daryll and Swagger State because of it customized and processed approach that is built for you to succeed. He has my highest recommendation so give them a call and make it happen for you!

Name: Randi
Address: Conroe, Tx
Occupation: Mom, teacher, student
Length Of Time As My Client: 1 year

I was overweight, had extremely low self-esteem and had constant discomfort when I started with Swagger State. My biggest struggles and frustrations were my eating, motivation and knowing if I was working out the right way. 
When I started working with Daryll I gained confidence in my ability to workout and safely do specific exercises.  After a year, I am still have some more weight I want to lose but I am happy with the inches lost and where my body is headed. I’m definitely in shape, weight lifting and kettlebell workouts are by far my favorite. I love those days. 

Overall I’m encouraged about my lifestyle changes. Swagger State has impacted my entire life, from food choices, eating my hand, workout enthusiasm, and having a fitness family. 

Name: Melissa S 
Address: Conroe, Tx
Business Owner
Length Of Time As My Client: 3 months 

Let me tell you a little bit about what my goals were for hiring a trainer for you to understand my review of Daryll.  I am 38 and a mommy of one. I am 5’8 and just at 119lbs after a good meal. In my 20’s I would visit a gym 5-6 times a week and enjoy it. I then started to get “burnt out” and stopped going or even doing much that required movement for approx 6 years.  I started to have minor health issues and really was not liking my physique or mental state and overall being. So I decided to seek out a personal trainer. I have never worked with a personal trainer before and assumed the extra one on one attention might make me feel more motivated. I posted on Thumbtack and got a reply from Swagger State.  I have been working with Daryll since early-mid January 2017 (2x-3x a week). I have nothing but complimentary things to say about the service he provides to his client.

I personally feel as though YOU have to want to make the change or you will not benefit totally from the sessions or him. Let me say that from the get-go. I quickly expressed to Daryll that I hired him to teach me and that I was a blank canvas as far as what he could toss at me for the days session. I guess you could say I expected him to be all up in my face and sort of demanding. But he is not like that. (Yes, we acquire sweat regardless!) He is very professional in demeanor. He expects your warm up, work out and cool down to be equal in terms of importance. He really does attempt to alleviate injury.  What good are you doing for yourself if you have a bum knee?

I have learned how to properly warm up my muscles and get my brain on board with my movements. I have learned how important balance and consistency is. I have learned my left leg seems to be stronger then my right even when my right is my preferred side. (We are working to balance myself out) I have learned just how connected your brain is to your body. It is so important to learn good technique. What you will learn from him in week 1 will carry you all the way through your journey. He builds a strong foundation.

My suggestion is that you give him at least 8 weeks of your time. You need to allow him to show you how things incorporate and help you get to the next level. I am very happy to have found Daryll. He is very passionate about his interest in fitness/health. He will do what he can to help you reach your goals, but again, you need to want it and you need to allow him the time to figure out who you are and the best way to get there. Hopefully you leave his sessions with more energy and self worth then before you walked into the door. I have.

Name: Shasta 
Address: Houston, Tx
Occupation: Professor

Length Of Time As My Client: 3 months 

While in graduate school, I participated in bodybuilding. That was 15 years ago. I’ve generally stayed in shape since then but after a few years of commuting up to 4 hours a day by car, bus and train, I started having low back pains in my late thirties. That’s when I called Daryll.

I defined my goals of strengthening my core and then building endurance. He then designed every workout around those 2 main goals. When we started, I was skeptical because the workouts seemed to elementary. But within 3 or 4 days of doing the same workouts, my lower back pains were gone. After another week, I graduated to different exercises. In addition to Daryll clearly understanding and responding to my goals, I appreciated that he worked out with me on occasion – not to the extent of breaking a sweat as I did, but enough to show me he was in it with me. That’s how my bodybuilding trainer worked out with me 15 years ago, and it made a tremendous difference in my motivation. I feel more challenged in that way compared to when someone is just telling me what to do.

Another thing I needed from Daryll was to design programs that did not require me to be in the gym beyond the first couple of weeks because I simply did not have time. I needed to be able to do the workouts at home, in a hotel, or even in my office. Again, he delivered by giving me workouts that did not depend on gym equipment or special facilities. And I was not dependent on him, which showed me he was more interested in seeing me get stronger into the future than making money. If your trainer makes you think you can’t workout without him or her, you better rethink the motivation of that trainer. Maybe I’m just a stubborn and independent person, but I believe it’s the job of trainers to work themselves out of a job by educating trainees on how to help themselves.

I cannot think of anything that could have been improved – maybe a forewarning that the workout may seem basic. Just do what he says, how he says. Because he takes the time to listen, assess where you are first, and has decades of experience and study behind him, you will see results. This especially applies to my age group (now 40 y.o.) and up. These are the folks he’s most interested in, hence the name, swagger. In order to get my swagger back, I had to deal with the back pain.

​Name: Ann 
Address: Conroe, Tx
Occupation: Retired librarian and library tech 
Length Of Time As My Client: current 

At 67 yrs. I was overweight from sitting all day at a computer. After I retired I lost some weight (40 lbs.) by eating good food. Then the flab under the arms appeared, the hanging fat around the stomach, and fat and cellulite around the thighs. I was out of breath after walking only a mile. 

I had no stamina for long walks, no strength for lifting, etc. It was impossible to lose those last 20 lbs. or firm up my body on my own. I didn’t want to sit around all day, yet at times the energy was not there to keep busy all day. I knew something had to change and I needed help. 

With this program I am gaining stamina, lowering my blood pressure to normal, gaining strength and movement leading to less stress about how I feel, look, and perform. Training with Daryll has been a joy. He explained his program, then keeps you informed as to why he is giving you certain warm-ups, exercises, and strength training. He treats everyone in a calm manner and according to what they can do and where they would like to be. He keeps logs on your stats, informs you of your improvement, and plans for your next level of training when he feels you have maxed out your present program. 

I can now walk in the evening for quite a long way without having my legs or back hurting or getting out of breath. I wake up in the morning ready to tackle anything. I don’t sit and watch TV anymore, preferring to keep busy with chores, shopping, or helping others. 

​I feel confident about my program.  It is a steady, levels attaining program to feeling good with yourself, therefore eliminating stress by knowing you are getting healthy physically and emotionally. It is a path to a lifetime exercise program that will keep you moving, balanced, strong, pain free, and eating right which in turn keeps you healthy, your weight under control, and life a little more stress free.

Name: Jacob 
Address: Montgomery, Tx
Occupation: Full time driver
Length Of Time As My Client: 3 months 

My #1 struggle is and has always been getting a good chest. I can do pushups and bench press and butterflies and I would always feel the fatigue in my arms, shoulders, and neck. Everywhere except where it should be happening- my pecs. Even during the 2 times in my life when I was in the best shape (high school football and boot camp) I never had a good chest. It was frustrating to do the work and not get the results. 

These frustrations made me give up, and think things like, “this will just never work for you,” and “you just don’t have the right body type or the right genetics for this,” and “it’s just not meant to be.”

​Daryll showed me how proper technique and form makes ALL the difference for someone in my situation. He taught me about activation and mind-muscle connection. I had been doing things the wrong way my whole life, and nobody before, no football coach or drill instructor, had ever taught me the right way to move to get the results I was seeking. 

​Now when I work out, I focus on form and technique more than raw effort, and I think through each rep and every movement. I can actually feel when things are working the right way and when they’re not, a concept to which I was oblivious just a few months ago. Now when I do bench press and pushups, I can intentionally direct my pecs to contract and contribute to the movement.

Name: Debra 
Address: Conroe, Tx
Outside Sales
Length Of Time As My Client: 1 month

Daryl is great. I know when a trainer really has the knowledge it takes to train on an individual basis and he has it. My strength and balance are improving by leaps and bounds. After only 1 month, I tried a very difficult Yoga class and it was as if i had never stopped. I am very impressed.

Name: Brooke M 
Address: Conroe, Tx
Full time student
Length Of Time As My Client: 1 year

When I met Daryll at Swagger State, it was the start of a new life. I have always struggled with my weight, (rail-thin to overweight) and after graduating high school it only got harder. I met Daryll at my all time highest weight. I had super low self confidence,bad sleeping habits,and sugar addiction/caffeine addiction. Basically I assumed food was my source of happiness.

Daryll works with you. He is not expecting anything other than your best effort. He knows you will have good and bad days, but if you are willing to help yourself, he will be right there to support you and guide you to a better lifestyle. He starts with an initial assessment, and builds as you go. He will adjust enough so you feel the pressure, but not enough to scare you away. Every workout you finish feeling better, and so glad you decided to go in.

Four months later, after seeing Daryll twice a week for a quick 30 minute workout, I feel amazing. I look amazing.  I am self motivated and my quality of life has changed. I wake up early now and work all day long without needing naps. I drink lots of water and feel refreshed instead of irritated from lack of soda.  

I have a lot more self confidence in myself. I know anything is possible. It sounds cheesy I know, but it’s 100% true. I can’t wait to see what the future holds as I continue on this path!

Name: Brynna A 
Address: Conroe, Tx
Length Of Time As My Client: 1 year 

Before I started working with Daryll at Swagger State, I really wasn’t happy with myself, on so many levels. I was never extremely athletic before, but I loved to run and was decent at it. Then, life happened and pulled me in a direction I didn’t want to go, and lot’s of things went downhill from there. My body, my energy, my motivation, my mood, my confidence, they had all fallen and I couldn’t pick them up. I had been through some tough times, and was finding it hard to want to do anything positive.  My stress was easily elevated, and my mood dropped quickly. I wanted to change everything but I didn’t feel like I could. I kind of felt like I was stuck, at a standstill, and I couldn’t make myself go anywhere.

Starting Daryll’s program was the push I needed. It’s taught, and is still teaching, me to take care of my body inside and out. With the skills and tools I have now, I can’t see myself going back to how I used to be. I have so much more confidence. I see my body’s progress, and know that more is coming. My mood is mostly positive, and my stress is hardly an issue. I am doing things I wasn’t sure I’d be able to do again, (running) and I’m loving that. Also, I just feel better. I have more energy, more drive, and more want. I can feel that my body is healthier and running more efficiently.

I can’t say enough good things about Daryll. He genuinely cares about his clients and wants them to succeed. (Not just with training, but everything!) I’m truly grateful to be working with Daryll, and I am excited to see what happens as we progress!

Name: Ana L 
Address: Conroe, Tx
Occupation: Nurse
Length Of Time As My Client: current

Daryll is very professional and knowledgeable but what I like most about working with him is that he’s very patient and he took the time to get to know me.

Name: Jere
Address: Willis, Tx
Occupation: Construction

Length Of Time As My Client: current

I have only been working with him for a couple of weeks but am very happy so far. He has explained everything we are doing very thoroughly and why.  He is very patient and very encouraging.

Name: Carolyn Rohloff
Address: Montgomery, Tx
Occupation: Retired
Length Of Time As My Client: 3 months

Before starting with Daryll, I was at Curves for 8 years this time last year.  I notice I had no strength in my legs and arms. I was flabby.  I had a difficult time with tripping and getting stressed.

 I felt like I was lost and I wasted my time staying at Curves for so long.  So I started at Anytime Fitness December 2018.  I was not getting the results I wanted.  I wanted better muscle tone.  I saw Daryll working with other folks and I stared asking questions.  I got good answers.  So I observed for a while cause I did not want to get into something I could not do.  I doubted myself thinking I may be too old.  So I approached him

I thought I was going to die!  I had not done that type of exercise in forever!  But after a short while I was feeling better and I was getting it.  I  started looking forward to the workouts and my brain started to wake up!  I was getting stonger.
Now after 3 months I feel like a younger woman.  I am doing more instead of waiting for husband to do the whatever there was to do.  Today installed a new wifi system in our house.  I am doing so much more than I used to do.  I have the want to do more and enjoy it so much.  I have more control over  myself as far as managing stress and emotional eating.  Gone, all that is gone.  I feel stronger, I stand stronger I am stronger.  Daryll has shown me what I thought had lost and that was my fight mentality.  I want it,  I will get it, that is what strength training has done for me.  I am so happy I went to Anytime Fitness and found Daryll!  I feel like the younger Carolyn is back.